

Lesson 2: The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage


Introduction: Do you really think it is fair that two people who genuinely love one another cannot be legally married because they are of the same gender, while this country is full of married couples of different gender who are living in miserable relationships and divorcing by the millions? This is the question now being raised repeatedly in our country, but it is the wrong question for us to be asking.


  1. Who started this problem, anyway?
    • The values of modern culture are inverted.  Isaiah 5:20
    • Contrary to politically correct ideology, tolerance is not the ultimate virtue.
    • Compromise has been the theme song of the past several decades, and God's people have not always been resistant to cultural pressure.
  2. What does the Bible say about homosexual relationships?
    • The discussion of truth has been replaced by a discussion of fairness.
    • The truth about marriage: It is for male and female (Gen.2:18-25; Matt. 19:4-6).
    • The truth about homosexual relationships:
      • Genesis 19 Homosexuality was one of the sins of the cities of the plains.
      • Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13
      • Romans 1:26-27
      • 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Timothy 1:9-11
  3. Heterosexuals, Homosexuals and Marriage
    • Heterosexuals who are immersed in our divorce culture have led the way in attempts to redefine marriage.
    • The Bible condemns the concept of gay marriage.
      • Marriage in the Bible requires two complementary sexes, not one.
      • The reality of gay marriage serves to further weaken the institution of marriage in our country, ignoring the basic intended purposes of marriage that were discussed in lesson one in this series.
      • Implicit in same sex marriage is the idea that affection and sexual fulfillment are the ultimate issues of life. This idea is seriously flawed.
  4. A word to those who struggle with homosexual temptation ...
    • Sin is sin.
    • Answering the question about the origin of sexual orientation does not change the Biblical message regarding moral behavior.
    • God's regulation about sexual behavior and marriage addresses both heterosexuals and homosexuals.
    • Sexual sins are not unpardonalbe sins.
    • Sexual sins are not inevitable for anyone, regardless of his orientation.

Conclusion: We who are Christians need to clearly articulate our message. The answer to this problem is not legislation - it is repentance! Whoever comes to God must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Jesus!