Growing In Godliness Blog
“Men vs. Women”
Categories: Author: Larry Coffey, Leadership, Service, WomenMen vs. Women
By Larry Coffey
Last week’s News & Notes mentioned there were about 70 ladies at the Ladies’ Bible Study Day on November 9. That caused me to think about the Men’s Bible Study Day on November 2 for which I haven’t seen a count, but having been at that study would estimate there were about half that number present. Why the large difference?
Then I thought about how the DH ladies have a weekly Bible class in the spring and the fall, but the men don’t have such classes. Do you think the women need more Bible study because they have a harder time learning than men do? I doubt anyone would make that claim, especially the married men.
I recall when I first became a Christian at age 20, I was asked to go to a small church at the edge of Marion County, KY and preach one Sunday a month. Some of the Sundays I would be there when only women would be present. Not only did I preach, if you could call it that, I taught the class, said all the prayers, led the singing and conducted the Lord’s Supper since the women couldn’t lead the public worship. (That is the only time I have ever led singing. Can you imagine what those sisters thought about that?)
It reminds me of a story told by Robert Turner, one of the most effective gospel preachers of the 20th century, about a small church out west. He said one of the sisters in that church had told him they only had women members, and they conducted the services. However, occasionally an old mountain man would come to the services, but he would not take the lead. So, being concerned for the proper Biblical order (1 Tim. 2:12; 1 Cor. 14:34-35), what should they do? Robert told them to continue their services as they had been doing and ignore the old man.
I believe it is noteworthy that I have never heard of a church with only men.
As we teach about the need for Bible authority for what we practice, it is often mentioned there are many churches who ignore the pattern of men being the only ones to lead the public worship and have women preachers. While they have no authority for so doing, it may be men are just not stepping forward to fulfil their responsibilities. Some among our more liberal churches of Christ are now putting women in public leadership roles. Even several of our more conservative churches who follow the scriptural pattern do not have men who will step up and serve as elders of the churches (1 Tim. 3:1).
In thinking about all of this, I wonder if there was a contest which could measure our “service to our Lord”, who would win, men or women? To be fair, our paid preachers could not be considered, nor could public worship leaders because women are not permitted to participate in those services. I don’t know who would win, but the evidence seems to be pointing toward the women. Of course, there is no such contest.
What is certain is that men and women must serve our Lord faithfully.