Growing In Godliness Blog
“Proclaiming the Lord’s Death”
Categories: Author: Mark McCrary, Crucifixion, Jesus, Lord's Supper
By Mark McCrary
What is the single most important event in human history? The discovery of fire? Creation of the wheel? The internet? Facebook? Texting? Twittering?
For the child of God, what should be the most important event is the death of Jesus Christ for our sins. That moment where He gave Himself so that we might have salvation.
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:26, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” Christians gather on the first day of the week to remember what Jesus did. Paul said we proclaim what He did.
In many ways, it is a sad proclamation. In Romans 5:6, Paul also wrote, “For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” Jesus gave His life because you and I chose to sin. Jesus’ blood was shed because we were selfish and willful. He paid the price so we do not have to. If we were to be right with God, there was no other way. That ought to cause profound sorrow in our hearts.
But, it is an equally joyous proclamation. Christ willingly—and, the Hebrew writer adds, gladly (Hebrews 12:1-3)—gave Himself for us. God so loved the world that He gave His Son. And, Jesus so loved the Father and us that He went. Because of what Jesus did we may have salvation, though we are not worthy. Thanks be to God!
That’s why the Lord's Supper on the first day of the week is so important. It is a time when we remember, we give thanks and we proclaim. We do this every Lord’s Day (Acts 20:7) because it is a shared meal with Christians, and we desire to gather each Lord's Day to worship God and encourage one another. We do it each Lord's Day because we must always must remind ourselves of this foundational truth: while we were enemies, Christ died for us.
So, this week, when you take the Lord’s Supper, proclaim! Proclaim your sorrow that you caused His death. Proclaim your joy that His death brings your salvation. Proclaim it to your brothers and sisters. And through the week, let’s proclaim it to the world through godly behavior and reverential honor for God.