Growing In Godliness Blog
Surviving a Godless World: Lessons from the Book of Jude
Friday, February 21, 2025Surviving a Godless World: Lessons from the Book of Jude
By David Norfleet
In many emergency services like the military, police, and fire departments, training and drills are a constant part of the routine. Emergency personnel are often training for situations they hope will never occur. Yet, the true value of this preparation is revealed when the inevitable emergency strikes. These professionals are ready to spring into action, relying on the rigorous training they have undergone. In a similar way, the Book of Jude functions as a survival guide for Christians, preparing them to face the threats of ungodliness and false teaching that were encroaching upon their communities in the 1st century. Jude’s letter, although addressed to a particular group of believers, is timeless and relevant for Christians today as they contend with similar challenges.
The Shift in Jude’s Message
Jude initially intended to write about the “common salvation” shared among believers (Jude 1:3). He wanted to focus on the hope and joy of salvation, a theme that undoubtedly would have encouraged and uplifted the saints. However, as he surveyed the spiritual landscape of his time, Jude recognized that a more urgent message was needed. False teachers had infiltrated the church, spreading dangerous and ungodly ideas (Jude 1:4). Jude had to shift his focus to guide the believers through a turbulent period, reminding them of their identity in Christ and equipping them to stand firm in the faith.
Surviving in a Godless World
1. Remember Who You Are
Jude’s first piece of advice to the saints is to remember their identity. He uses a powerful triad of descriptors: called, beloved, and kept (Jude 1:1). These three words are not just theological labels, but reminders of who the believers are and why they can stand firm in the faith. They are called by God to salvation, beloved by God with an eternal love, and kept by His power through all trials. These descriptors should not just be understood as designations but as life-altering truths. The knowledge that God loves you, that He has called you, and that He is keeping you provides the strength and security needed to endure any challenge. Jude repeats this idea throughout the letter to emphasize how vital it is for believers to remember their divine identity in the midst of perilous times.
2. Contend for the Faith
Jude urges believers to contend for the faith (Jude 1:3). The word “contend” here comes from the Greek epagonizesthai, which carries the sense of struggling or wrestling with intensity—almost like being in an agonizing contest. This is not a casual defense of beliefs but an active, passionate fight for the truth. The faith Jude speaks of is not a collection of human opinions but the one true gospel that was delivered once for all. To contend for the faith means understanding its value and its vulnerability. Jude warns that this faith will face threats, from false teachers to external persecution. But the emphasis on “you” in verse 3 reminds believers that, while collective action is important, each individual plays a vital role in guarding and defending the faith.
3. Do Not Be Caught Unaware
Jude emphasizes the importance of vigilance, warning believers not to be caught unaware (Jude 1:17-18). The dangers of ungodliness, false teaching, and persecution are real and must not be ignored. Jude calls Christians to remember the warnings given in Scripture—such as in Matthew 7:15-23 and 1 Peter 4:12—and stay alert. There is a danger of either being overly paranoid, seeing false teachers behind every corner, or becoming so complacent that one fails to recognize the threat when it appears. False teachers are not a thing of the past. They still exist today in various forms: heretics, charlatans, dividers, ticklers, and speculators. They may come with appealing messages or promises but often seek to distort the truth for their own gain. Jude’s exhortation to not be unaware is as relevant now as it was then.
4. Look to Self
While contending for the faith and standing guard against false teachers is important, it is also vital that believers look to their own spiritual growth. Jude cautions that in times of struggle and defense, it’s easy to become so focused on external threats that one neglects their personal transformation. He encourages Christians to “build yourselves up in your most holy faith” (Jude 1:20). This means continuing to grow in the knowledge and likeness of Christ, even in the midst of trials. Spiritual growth should never stop, regardless of circumstances.
5. Look to Others
Jude also emphasizes the importance of looking out for others, particularly fellow believers who may be vulnerable to deception. In the face of false teaching and persecution, Christians should not only be concerned with their own spiritual survival but also with the well-being of their brothers and sisters in Christ. Jude calls for a compassionate approach, urging believers to rescue those who are wavering (Jude 1:22-23). Some may need sympathy, others need a more aggressive intervention, and still others need cautious help. The key is to meet people where they are, always with a heart of love and care.
The Book of Jude provides a timely and necessary survival guide for navigating a world filled with ungodliness and deception. His instructions for believers to remember their identity in Christ, contend for the faith, stay vigilant, and look after both their own spiritual growth and the well-being of others are as vital today as they were in the first century. Christians are called to live faithfully in a world that increasingly opposes the truth of the gospel. As Jude’s letter reminds us, we can endure in this godless world because we are called, beloved, and kept by the power of God. The challenges may be great, but the victory has already been secured through Jesus Christ.
Looking At Ourselves: Using Scriptures as the Mirror - Part 2
Friday, December 13, 2024Looking At Ourselves: Using Scriptures as the Mirror - Part 2
By Tom Rose
The cover story of Time (March 3, 1980) was about the actor Peter Sellers. Appearing on The Muppet Show, he was told by Kermit the Frog that it was all right to “just relax and be yourself.” To which Sellers replied, “I could never be myself. You see, there is no me. I do not exist.” Acknowledging that it was a good joke, Time saw a deeper significance. “The real Peter Sellers, at 54, is virtually a cipher.” The magazine then quoted a longtime friend claiming, “Peter is the accumulation of all the roles he’s played and all the people he’s met. He’s directing traffic inside all that!” Sellers died less than six months later. I don’t know if he ever found himself. Nor do I know if he ever searched for himself, although I suspect he may have.
There is something inside us that yearns for discovery – even when it has been submerged for years. In part, that is probably what the “mid-life crisis” is all about – the need to know ourselves before we go to our graves. One young man exclaimed, “I could know myself better if there weren’t so many of me.” Some of these multiple personalities inside us exist as simultaneous roles. Others have been covered over and forgotten as roles have changed. The recovering of authenticity means resolving the conflicting personalities as well as taking off the layers of “wallpaper.” Removing old wallpaper is, as anyone who has done it knows, a disagreeable task that yields only to persistence.
How do you go about recapturing one’s authentic, genuine self? First, it takes a trust in God’s presence and power. God leaves us free to be whatever we like. He does not clone human beings, but He gives each of us a unique self – and then encourages us to discover it, nurture it and expose it to others. However, we often find a familiar mask to be more secure than an unknown reality, especially if others approve of the mask. Would they like me equally as much, we wonder? Probably. But it takes stepping over the frightening threshold of vulnerability to discover that the other side offers not hidden terrors, but the beginning of security.
Second, no person can come to truly know himself except through the process of disclosing himself to others. But that self-disclosure – removing the mask(s) – can occur only in an atmosphere of love and trust. And while it seems scary at first, it is more frightening to consider the consequences of continued pretense. Thomas Merton, the monk who excelled in the inner search, warned, “If we have chosen the way of falsity, we must not be surprised that truth eludes us when we finally come to need it.”
Third, we need to gain perspective on how this life fits with the next one by becoming “doers of the word, and not hearers only...fully able to look into the perfect law of liberty (the scriptures) and continue in it” (Jas. 1:22, 25). Included in this process would be adopting a pilgrim existence toward our temporary and present life and reflecting on the words of Helen Lemmel’s popular hymn as we ponder the next. She writes, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”
When genuineness is adopted as a way of life, it means no longer having to pretend, and that means freedom to grow and fully serve. And that also means unspeakable joy and serenity. When you know who you are, you don’t have to impress anyone. As an example, when Jesus was taken captive and placed before the high priest (Mk. 14:53-65) “some rose up and bore false witness against Him.” Then the high priest asks Jesus, “Do You answer nothing? What is it these men testify against You?” But, Jesus kept silent. Wrong question. The high priest then asks Jesus, “Are You the Christ, the Son of the God?” Jesus replies, “I am.” Right question. When you have discovered your identity, you need to say little else.
Several years ago, a Christian missionary, who had spent his life working with the poor and teaching others about Jesus, was speaking at Princeton. When he finished his talk, one student said to another, “He didn’t say much, did he?” A woman sitting nearby leaned over and quietly murmured, “When you’re hanging on a cross, you don’t have to say anything.”
Being a Disciple - Part 2
Friday, October 25, 2024Being A Disciple - Part 2
By Mark McCrary
This article continues from last week where the questions addressed were “What is a Disciple?” and “Why is it Important for Disciples to be Like Christ?”
What Is Expected of a Disciple?
The life of a disciple is marked by several key characteristics. First and foremost, a disciple is a learner (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus calls people to Him to learn and grow. Baptism marks the beginning of this journey, but it’s not the end. Continued learning—through personal Bible study, attending Bible classes, and listening to teaching—is essential for growth. This is why the early church made preaching and teaching such an important part of their gatherings (Acts 20:7).
Second, being a disciple requires following Jesus with total commitment (Lk 9:57-62). In the same way the disciples left their nets to follow Jesus (Lk 5:11), we are called to leave behind anything that would keep us from fully following Christ. Commitment is essential because without it one cannot receive the crown of life (Rev 2:10). This is one of the failings of the teachings of “once saved, always saved” and “preservation of the saints.” These teachings fail to understand why we are saved—to represent God. If we fail to do so, we fail in our role as disciples and do not have the blessings that come to disciples.
For this reason, obedience is another vital aspect of discipleship. Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Our love for Him compels us to obey His teachings, and that obedience transforms us. As Paul writes in Romans 12:1-2, we are to be “transformed by the renewal of our mind.” This transformation is evident in the lives of disciples who speak like Jesus, act like Jesus, and love like Jesus.
A true disciple also makes a public confession of faith (Matthew 10:32-33), openly declaring allegiance to Christ even when it is unpopular or risky (Acts 4:19-20).
Love, service, and sacrifice are further hallmarks of a disciple’s life, as seen in the early church (Acts 2:42-47). The early Christians lived lives of love and humility, drawing many to Christ through their example. Following Jesus may require self-denial and even carrying a cross (Matthew 10:38), but the life of a disciple is one of continued growth (2 Peter 1:5-10; Colossians 2:6-7).
Making More Disciples
Understanding discipleship reshapes the way we approach evangelism. The goal isn’t simply to "save" people from hell but to bring them to God and teach them to follow Him. Importantly, baptism is a crucial step, but it is not the journey's end. In 1 Corinthians 1:16-17, Paul said he didn’t come to baptize, but to “preach the gospel.” The goal isn’t merely to escape judgment, but to live transformed lives that reflect “the gospel”—the good news of Jesus!
This, then, changes how we evangelize. Instead of focusing solely on warning people about hell, we lift up Jesus for the world to see (John 12:32). The best way to do so is not through fear of hell, but through love—God’s love for us and then our love for others. This is the impact of Jesus’ teachings on our lives. As disciples, we become living testimonies of Christ’s teachings (Matthew 5:16; John 13:35). Our transformed lives, marked by peace, joy, and purpose, become the most powerful witness to the gospel (1 Peter 2:12; Romans 12:2). Then, in words, we share the teachings of Jesus with others.
Being a disciple of Jesus is more than knowing facts or performing rituals. It’s about living a life that mirrors Christ, deepening our relationship with God, and showing others what a transformed life looks like. As we follow Him, we become reflections of His character in the world. This is the life Jesus calls us to live. Through our discipleship, we offer the world a better way—a life of purpose, peace, and joy in Christ.
Friday, September 13, 2024Assemble
By David Norfleet
We’ve all heard it before: “Do we have to go to church?” It’s a question that many parents face, often at the end of a long week or after a gospel meeting. From a child’s perspective, the idea of skipping church for a movie or video game seems reasonable. After all, the logic might be that attending once or twice a month should be sufficient. While this viewpoint is understandable in children, it’s less acceptable when adopted by adults.
The question of why we should gather for worship is essential and deserves a thoughtful answer. Psalm 122:1 gives us a profound insight into this issue. The psalmist expresses joy and anticipation about going to the house of the Lord. The term “glad” here is more than just a feeling of contentment; it signifies a deep, rejoicing happiness.
In the Old Testament, God's people were commanded to assemble for worship on several occasions. For example, Isaiah 2:3, Jeremiah 31:6, and Micah 4:2 highlight the significance of these gatherings. These assemblies were not just ritualistic; they were vital to the spiritual life of the community. Leviticus 23:27, 35, and 37 provide further evidence of God's command for regular worship. The Israelites were called together by the sound of silver trumpets, as described in Numbers 10:2-3.
The New Testament also reinforces the importance of assembling. Early Christians frequently gathered, as seen in Acts 2:46, 5:12, 12:12, and 14:27. The instruction to not forsake assembling is explicit in Hebrews 10:25. So, why is it so critical to come together? Couldn’t we simply worship at home?
The Benefits of Assembling
- Focus and Refocus on God: When we assemble, we have an uninterrupted opportunity to focus solely on God. This time of worship helps us realign our priorities and redirect our attention to what truly matters. During the Lord’s Supper, for instance, self-examination becomes a natural part of our reflection on God (1 Corinthians 11:28).
- Spiritual Growth: Gathering for worship is crucial for our spiritual development. As we listen to God's word and participate in communal worship, we experience spiritual growth and transformation. 1 Corinthians 14:3 illustrates that worship edifies us, encouraging personal and collective growth in faith.
- Encouragement and Inspiration: Assemblies provide essential encouragement and inspiration. When we come together, we support each other through life's trials and triumphs. Ephesians 2:13-22 speaks of our unity in Christ, and the Swedish proverb, “a shared joy is a double joy,” encapsulates the joy we experience in community. God’s intention for us to be together is evident in Genesis 2:18 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-10.
- Proclaim Victory: Frequent gatherings are more than a routine; they are a means of spiritual warfare. Ignatius of Antioch, an early church father, noted that regular assembly helps defeat Satan’s schemes and promotes unity of faith. This concept is supported by James 3:13-18, which describes how wisdom and unity can counteract spiritual opposition.
- Awakening: Worship has a profound impact on our perception of reality. Life’s challenges can cloud our vision and distract us from what truly matters. Psalm 73:1-28 illustrates how worship can clear spiritual confusion and help us understand God’s ultimate purpose. The psalmist, initially troubled by the prosperity of the wicked, finds clarity and renewed focus through worship in the sanctuary.
The question remains: When the call to assemble goes forth, will you be there? Understanding the value of worship and community is crucial. Our regular gatherings are not mere duties but vital aspects of our spiritual health and growth. They offer focus, growth, encouragement, victory, and awakening. As we come together, we not only fulfill a command but also experience the rich blessings of shared faith and unity.
The Hope of Spring
Friday, June 07, 2024The Hope of Spring
By Mark McCrary
Spring is a time of renewal. After a dark and cold winter, life begins to emerge once more. Warmth returns, trees blossom, and flowers bloom. Along the journey of our lives, there are moments that echo the vibrant glories of spring. Just as the earth emerges from its winter rest, so we also encounter similar moments of awakening and potential for lasting transformation.
Spring is a time of renewed life. Similarly, this moment in one’s life holds the potential for newfound hope and possibilities. It may follow a period of uncertainty, when faith has been tested … but resilience forged. Like the arrival of spring, there is a stirring within the soul – a gentle whisper of hope speaking of brighter days ahead.
Biblically, hope is not merely wishful thinking but a confident expectation rooted in the promises of God (Romans 15:13). As the psalmist declares, “Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5). So too we trust that God’s faithfulness will usher in a season of renewal.
As spring unfolds its petals, so too can our faith unfold as well. Just as seeds planted eventually emerge as vibrant flowers, our faith matures and flourishes through seasons of growth and cultivation. It is a time to nurture our relationship with God, to deepen our trust in His providence, and to surrender to His will. As we lean into our faith, we are reminded that God can breathe life into the most barren of landscapes, bringing beauty and abundance beyond our wildest imagination.
Finally, spring is a time when the earth is invigorated with fresh energy and purpose. Similarly, this moment in life holds the potential for renewed purpose. New opportunities and dreams beckon before us. God’s servant, Paul, stated confidently, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). As we align our hearts with God, we align ourselves to His divine plan – a plan that is marked by hope, abundance, and fulfillment.
Look around as your drive about and pay attention to the new life springing out around you. So too God can draw new life out of you. You can experience the blessings that spring forth from a life nourished by God’s loving care.