Growing In Godliness Blog
Gospel for All
Friday, August 11, 2023Gospel for All
By Larry Coffey
The Bible clearly teaches the gospel of Christ is available for everyone who seeks it. While reading a book on the life of Walter Scott, a preacher in the early 19th century, I noted two good examples of this fact. Scott moved to Carthage, OH, a small village near Cincinnati and lived there 13 years. When he moved there, the village was described as flourishing with drunkenness, profanity, idleness, and neglect of the public and private duties of religion. The single redeeming feature was a Sunday school where an incident of interest took place on Scott’s first visit.
In one of the classes was a bright girl about 13 years old, who, along with others, had to find the answer to the question, “What shall I do to be saved?” She searched her Bible and found the answer in Acts 2:38. When the day came for the class to answer the question, she was the only one with a ready answer. With a feeling of childish triumph, she quoted the passage: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.”
Rather than receiving the teacher’s approval, she was disappointed to learn she had not given a satisfactory answer. Soon the class was over and the superintendent asked the same question. She rose and quoted Acts 2:38, but her answer was not approved again. She cried and wondered why her answer was not accepted. Just after this, Scott preached in the village school house and the little Sunday school scholar was present. To her surprise his text was the very passage she had read in Sunday school. Her response to his lesson was a request to be baptized. Her example caused six men to step forward and be baptized at the same time.
These proved to be the first fruits of a great harvest. Many more soon also obeyed the gospel. Among the converts was one who had long held in the village an unenviable notoriety—a poor fellow who was regarded as the most hopeless of an exceedingly irreligious and immoral population. He was a clever, dissipated good-for-nothing by the name of Parker. When it was announced in the village that a strange preacher was to be there to hold a series of meetings, for reasons unknown, Parker decided to attend. After a few nights of sitting on the back row, he came forward to be baptized. Needless to say, Walter Scott looked upon him with surprise and astonishment.
After Parker’s conversion, he made this statement: “I was as great a sinner as any of you; a drunkard, a gambler, poor, miserable, and wretched. But now I am redeemed from my former ways and have become a man.” As far as was known, both Parker and the 13-year-old girl remained faithful the rest of their lives. The cases mentioned show that the gospel can be brought to the comprehension of a little child and its power can be felt by one as wicked as Parker. Walter Scott’s labors resulted in planting a church that had 200 members within about two years from his first visit.
Jesus Increased in Stature
Friday, August 04, 2023Jesus Increased in Stature
By Paul Earnhart
Luke 2:52 tells us that in the years before Jesus was 12-years old, He increased in stature. This tells us something about both Jesus and His mother, Mary.
To say that Jesus increased in stature is to say that he grew normally, that he was healthy and strong in body. We know well what is required for such growth. It requires good wholesome food, exercise, proper rest and clean habits.
Many young people want a good strong body for appearance or for success in sports. But Jesus had a greater reason for taking care of His body. His body was given to Him by God, and it was God 's intention that He should use it for the years that He was on earth. So, Jesus cared for it and did what was necessary to increase in strength.
All of us can say that our bodies are a gift of God. They are to be used for His service. This gives us special reason to care for them, to observe the rules of good health and to avoid tobacco, intoxicating drinks and other drugs that weaken our bodies, scramble our brains, and shorten our lives.
Mary is also to be praised for her part in the physical growth of Jesus. Doubtless she was the one who prepared his good meals, encouraged him in exercise and taught him good habits of cleanliness. Mothers have a special responsibility along these lines. It is sad to see Mothers today who are too busy or too occupied with social affairs or pleasure to take proper care of their children. Solomon said, "A chiId left to himself is the shame of his mother" (Proverbs 29:15). That is still true. If you are a mother reading this message, what kind of mother are you? Are you the kind in whose hands God would have entrusted His Son? He has entrusted a child or children to your care. Be sure you help them grow in stature as Jesus did.
Jesus Lost
Friday, July 28, 2023Jesus Lost
By Paul Earnhart
When Jesus was twelve years old, His parents took him to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast. These journeys to Jerusalem must have been festive occasions. All devout Jews made the journey. A large company would set out from each village - friends, acquaintances and families travelling together, walking along the road visiting as they went. It is easy to imagine older people walking together while the younger folks and children walked with those their own age.
After spending perhaps a week in Jerusalem, the people began the long walk back to Nazareth. Historians tell us that it was common for worshipers as they were leaving Jerusalem to make one more visit to the temple. And it is likely that the 12-year-old Jesus became so deeply interested in what was going on there that He did not even know when His parents left. Luke 2:43 tells us that the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem, but his parents were unaware of it. And verse 44 tells us that they did not even miss Him until nightfall. When they finally found Jesus back in Jerusalem three days later, they asked, "Son, why have You treated us this way?" (Luke 2:48) But the problem was not with Jesus, it was with them.
Why was Jesus lost? It was not that He was rebellious; it was not that His parents were wicked or selfish. Rather, they were careless; Luke 2:44 tells us that they supposed He was with their relatives and friends.
Millions of children are being lost today - spiritually. It is not that they are rebellious, or necessarily that their parents are wicked or selfish. It is just that parents are careless about the religious training of their children. Perhaps they think that someone else is taking care of that - maybe friends or acquaintances. But that responsibility is placed directly on parents, and they cannot escape it. Eph 6:4 says to parents: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
Bible Reading
Friday, July 21, 2023Bible Reading
By Larry Coffey
David Norfleet preached a lesson recently entitled “Engaged with the Truth”. He emphasized knowing, teaching, and practicing the truth. In John 8:31-32 we read, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” This clearly stresses the necessity of reading the Bible often.
We all would acknowledge the importance of reading our Bible. What we know about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit, we learn from the Bible. Churches frequently offer annual Bible reading programs. Some have schedules for reading the Bible all the way through in one year. Many people who start the year with good intentions end up not continuing. So, churches reduce the amount to be read and schedule annual reading of just the New Testament. That works better, but still some Christians can’t seem to complete that either.
In reading a book on the life of Walter Scott, a pioneer preacher in the first half of the 19th century, I noted that bro. Scott taught and baptized a 23-year-old-man by the name of Samuel Church. He was a diligent Bible student and by the time he was 40 years old, he had read the New Testament through 150 times and the Old Testament 75 times. One might say they didn’t have as much to do then, since there was no television or internet service. We may forget about all the modern conveniences we have which they didn’t have such as electricity, heating and a/c systems, plumbing, etc. It is probable we have “more time” available for reading than did they.
Also, in February of this year, I talked to a man who had read the Bible all the way through in 20 days in that month. The man has a full-time job and a family. This causes me to think we are making excuses when we say we don’t have time to read the Bible daily.
We do the things we consider to be most important to us. And there are many things that should be priorities. However, I suggest that letting God talk to us each day through the reading of his word should have the highest priority. A familiar scripture is 2 Tim. 3:16-17, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”
Can your mind fully grasp eternity? Mine can’t. However, it can understand that knowing God’s will for us is absolutely essential for us to prepare for eternity with God. And for us to know God’s will, we must have a regular Bible reading habit to which we commit a portion of our time.
The Parents of Jesus Went to Worship
Friday, July 14, 2023The Parents of Jesus Went to Worship
By Paul Earnhart
Jesus was the Son of God, but He was entrusted to earthly parents when he came to live on the earth. Parents can learn much by observing Joseph and Mary, the two individuals with whom God entrusted his Son.
Luke 2:41 tells us that His parents used to go to Jerusalem every year at the Feast of the Passover. Going to Jerusalem each year was not easy for them. It involved a journey of 50 miles or more each way, a journey which they most likely made on foot. This meant that they had to abandon their occupation and lose the income for more than a week. Then they had to go to the extra expense of spending a week or two away from home. The Law required it, so they did it.
And that was only one of three feasts which the Law required them to observe in Jerusalem. We may be sure that if the parents of Jesus went for one, they went for all. Such obedience was a good example for Jesus. But they were not content simply to give Jesus a good example. They took Jesus with them. In Luke 2:42-52, we read about one of those journeys which they made when Jesus was 12 years old.
Some parents do not involve their children in religious activities. They say, "We will just wait until our children are old enough to decide for themselves what they want to do about religion." Such parents do not let the children decide what they will do about going to school or about coming home at night, but they want to let them decide about religion. God did not entrust His son to parents who reasoned that way. Joseph and Mary took Jesus with them. And in Jerusalem he demonstrated a knowledge of the scriptures which indicated that those parents had had Him in weekly synagogue worship and had taught Him God’s word even at home.
Are you that kind of parent? Do you take your children to worship faithfully? Do you teach them God's word in your home?